The Dalby's

The Dalby's

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

my mom.

This post has been a "long-time-in-the-making"..

Basically, im going to spend one post a day on each family member and some thoughts i recall about our experiences:

To start it off--- let's here it for my momma!

My Mom.
i love her so much. she is the hardest working woman i have/will ever know. she taught me how to be effective-truly effective. and how to care for others. she loves the people she works with---i mean, really, honestly cares about the welfare of her patients-their entire well-being. she's health conscience, and helped me understand that, "Heavenly Father only gave us one body--it's our job to take care of it!"

When I was 5 my Aunt Debbie made us twinner aprons.  They were yellow with school buses? on them. i have no idea. but they were adorable.  One of my favorite memories with my mom was probably christmas of '95.

we were poor. i have no idea what in the world i may have gotten that year, but i remember making homemade ornaments with my momma in our one-bedroom house in california.  They were the BEST ornaments i have ever seen! we still have them. we decorated them with fabric paints.  I had no idea how creative my mom was.  they are uber-cute!  i tried to re-create them with my sisters last year, but to no avail---it just wasn't the same.

I love you mom.
You are beautiful inside and out.
You're stylish and sexy and fun to be around!

You have two laughs. Did you know that? One for your patients and ...and one for us. I love ours. The one you give us when you're completely excited by something we say. I'm glad you save it.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet. Sniffle, sniffle...I think going to cry, but in a manly way.
    Lupe F.
