The Dalby's

The Dalby's

Monday, October 31, 2011

On Holiday Spiritttts

This year was the first year in 19...that I have not gone trick-or-treating. or even fed a trick-or-treater. if this is what it means to be an adult...

So this entire month has been a blurr, note lack of blog posts.  My family is huge on holidays and always does super stellar activities, but tay and i are so busy and ..poor. ha. we just can't indulge. but man, we have had a pretty rad time.

this past weekend we attended a halloween party.. that was completely off the charts awesome. i thought arriving (after having worked all day) in jeans and cat ears would suffice... but that was not up to par with the other guests.

next year, tay and i might need to up our cat-n-mouse- ear idea. what do you do?

Anyway, the whole party was just 3 young married couples having a blast.. and can I say, Tay and I are quite the team. we won the mummy-fying contest. that's right. prroooof below. we wrapped the leftie.

perfectionists? ha.

other than a small party... there have been no celebrations, but can we say, when we have money and some babies and some time.. and no school... maybe we'll celebrate a lil' more.
but ohhhmann. I made some dellliccc-pumpkin cookies if I do say so myself.

That's right. merryhappyhalloween to us. we love pumpkin cookies. who knew?

merrry happyhalloween!

Temple Times

we love going to the temple.
it seriously is the greatest therapy ever. 
like a bajillionmajillion times better than retail therapy.

Taylor and I have been really blessed to have attended the temple every month since we've been married. I think it has been an IMMENSE strength to our marriage.

Our first month here we decided to take a trip to Orlando to visit...only to find it closed. 

Saturdays are no-gos for Floridian temple abiding people. I guess they close early :/

not fun when you just spent the past 1 1/2 hrs in a car looking forward to it.

So I took pictures from outside the gate: 

..If you can't tell, there was a GINORMOUS tree obstructing my view.

In all honesty, it is a stunning structure. It truly is.

But fancy our luck, we somehow called the temple (while sitting outside our gate) to check the hours, 
lo and behold! 
the security man answered and offered to come down and personally open the gates for us.. 

what a sweetheart. He even turned on the fountain lights!

..and took a picture of us ! ha. we lovehim.

happythankyoumoreplease. temple attendance.