Tay and I have created this "tradition" that every Sunday we hold FFHE.
That's right. If you didn't know that stands for
Family Financial Home Evenings.
Oh, how I love them.
Seriously. I think every couple should have them consistently. They are a life saver.
FFHE for us usually means a budget plan, a break down of our most recent income, and bill planning.
I think one of the best highlights is touching base with one another, trying to determine if there are any necessities that need to be budgeted for.. i.e. school books, doctor's apts, work clothes, etc.
Our most recent "big picture plan" is trying to avoid excessive debt---while accumulating educational debt, which we see as a necessity.
An interesting dichotomy.
It has been an EXTREMELY rewarding experience to sit down together and analyze everything, knowing we're both on the same page.
Initially, I think I took on the responsibility of writing all the checks for bills and maintaining balance between accounts, but it is nearly impossible to do solo.
And just not effective. COUPLES should really manage together. duh j. I don't know what I was thinking, Tay's the one with the accounting degree = )
Anyway, the whole point of this was to inform everyone how much I sincerely love FFHE. my husband. and budgets.
Note to all you solo family budget-ers. do it as a fam!
Here is the link for our