(my knowledge acquired over 12 months of marriage)
**Disclaimer: This post is mostly for my boo. And for my future babies,
(that for those of you who are intending to read this otherwise should realize we are not having as of now. Meaning as of right now I am not pregnant. Which for some may be a disappoint, but it's still a super cute post, mmmkay?)
Regardless, nothing ridiculous/outrageous is below. I mean, c'mon? This is my family blog. But seriously. These were a few thoughts I had, as I recollected on my past year of one fabbb marriage to Taylor Dalby.
This morning I woke up and realized that I have been married a year.
I can’t believe all that we have done in this small period of eternity.
Do you remember when we got married and you moved to Washington to be with me?
And then a couple months later we moved to Idaho.
And then a couple months later we moved to Texas.
And then a couple months later we moved to Florida.
In 12 months of marriage I have lived in 4 states with you.
And I’d follow you to the other 46 if that’s where you’d be.
I wonder why people put off marriage.
I’m sure I could imagine what life would be like without you.
The only thing is I am positive I would hate it.
Twenty years without you was enough, Taylor Richard Dalby.
I have an eternity to look forward to with you, and I don’t intend to waste a moment.
It is my perfect understanding that my hand was specifically made to fit into yours.
My hand has never been happier than when it is rightly positioned in your grasp.
I don’t know what we’ll do when we have babies and I’ll have to share hand-holding time.
(I guess that means we can only have two kids, one on either side of us.)
Just kidding.
But seriously, we’ll have to allot certain rules for hand-holding privileges.
Remember that one time I forced you to share a nectarine with me because I didn’t want to finish one all by myself?
And then it practically killed you. Literally.
Who knew you were allergic?
After several doses of Benadryl and your face still swollen like Hitch, you slowly tried to fall asleep.
Did you know I was completely panicked and I spent the entire night checking to make sure you were still breathing?
In a completely non-creeper way,
I still check to see that you are still breathing at night sometimes.
In all instances, you have been.
Rest assured.
I don’t think I have ever been more worried about another person’s health.
I think it might be a good thing for me to become an RN.
**Honey, I know it’s difficult to cut those onions in the kitchen.
Sometimes they are slippery and you get your fingers instead.
I really, really, do appreciate all of your help.
I also appreciate all of your fingers in tact as well.
Thank you marriage for making me a complete basket-case, worry wart. Honestly. Thank you.
Remember how it took me 8 months to figure out that there is a manner in which toilet paper is properly placed on the holder?
And I think I only found out after some exasperated small tiff we had.
That’s rough.
Here is an acknowledgment I would like to make known:
Yes, I am the one who, for all of our marriage, did not know that there was a methodical way of toilet paper placement. And thus, I am most certain I have improperly placed many a roll.
However, I will have everyone know, I have always replaced an empty roll-methodically placed or not. I have never left a toilet paper holder empty.
Who knew that sharing is caring when it comes to a queen size bed?
I don’t think I was ever a “hog” of anything… but you take the blankets and I take most the bed.
I like our system. It works.
…but what I really like is that I don’t have to worry about being afraid of the dark anymore.
You always let me crawl in first, which really means you also always get the light.
I love you for that.
Want to know something else?
You are such an example to me.
Did you know that my personal scripture-reading/journal-writing/prayer-giving statistic has nearly improved abajillion% since marrying you?
Thank you.
I’ll also have you know the following:
I love that you smile and I only can see your top row of teeth.
*And I love that it is physically impossible for you to show me your bottom row.
I love that when we wake-up together you rush and make the bed before I can help.
I love that you always give me the comfiest pillows-AND the largest serving of lemon bars.
I love that you always tell me I am beautiful.
I love that when I am completely nonsensical and a wreck, you are logical and a rock.
I love that our non-celeb nickname is j&tay.
I love that I really LUV-UH you. And you LUV-UH me too.
I love that our example of a good time is PLANET EARTH and home popped corn.
I love that you value education as much as I do.
I love that when I say “I can’t,” you say I can. And mean it.
I love that you hand over your suit coat when they induce hypothermia at church.
I love that you give me the newest GPS (GiGi) because our older GPS (Nancy) went on the fritz and just confuses the heck out of me whenever I want to go anywhere.
I love that I have been married a year.
And I mostly love that I will have an eternity to discover an infinity more reasons
Taylor Richard Dalby.