The Dalby's

The Dalby's

Monday, July 18, 2011

Good Friends, Good Food, and a Great Laugh

So I've been slow to the update.

4th of July was fabulous.
Can I say we just love Scotty-K and his girl H-Town. Too stinkin' cute. What's not to love about tennis playing, Freebirds eating, Galveston celebrating HOLIDAYS. Go galveston, I'll miss your lil' sun-shiny self.


Did I mention we also just recently met up w/ Prasanthe, his fab fiancee, and a wonderful Tyler for a weeknight datenight. How awesome is that? Thats right, I said a WEEK NIGHT date. loveit.

Aren't they just fab.


So my adventures as a nanny are hysterical. Not too long ago I was introduced to "Corrina, Corrina".

Dear Whoopi, I love you.

 ..needless to say its a blast to quote, "Pass 'em here Percy, I don't mind _____"

So a few weeks ago I met this cute lil girl Kaylie, who loves oreos, swings, babies, and did I say oreos?  I randomly overheard her cute lil convo with a few friends as follows: (she's sitting with two other girls)

Kay: Hey girls, any ya'll want some oreos?
Girl 1: Girrrl, you always got some food. 
Girl 2: Yah, Kayli your mama always sends you food.
Girl 1: But, your nice girll, I'll take some oreos
Girl 2: Me too.
Kay: Well I can't help it, I'm just hungry and mama always makes sure I have something. I got crackers too.

Needless to say, Kaylie is the only girl sitting in the playground with her Princess and the Frog lunchbox on the slide.. ohh yah, and she was enjoying her cracker pack while riding the seesaw. mmmmhmm. A girl after my own heart. She offered to me too. Big whoop kaylie, you bring them oreos.

Ohh ps.
If my little girl ever asks to where her princess costume to church, I'll gladly let her (as long as she wears the matching princess slippers = ) Shoutout to them classy sunbeams in their princess ballgowns. YOU.ARE.ADORABLE.


I used to hate "UP"
It made me cry and be all emotional,
and now,